Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is the term given to describe all types of abuse, neglect, and other traumatic childhood experiences.

Findings from a landmark study by Kaiser Permanente, bolstered by ongoing surveillance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), show that experiencing one or more ACEs is linked to many lifelong health and social problems.

The ACE Study has profound implications for policies and practices in diverse settings. Professionals in health, education, violence prevention, criminal justice, and child and family services are finding ways to integrate awareness of ACEs into their work, in Louisiana and nationwide. Practices that are informed by the lifelong impact of childhood adversity and trauma make an important contribution to the health, safety, and well-being of every community member. Addressing ACEs as a common risk factor can reduce healthcare costs, promote health equity, and make a real impact on quality of life.

Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana (PCAL) can provide ACEs trainings free of charge. ACE presentations can be performed in-person or virtually. PCAL ACE trainings include:

  • “Understanding ACEs” – 1 hour option
  • “Understanding ACEs and Responding to Trauma” – 2 hour option
  • “Understanding ACEs and Brain Architecture Game” – 3 hours option; in person only
  • “Trauma Informed Schools” – 1, 2, and 3, hour options
  • “Parent Talk – Parent-Child Relationship as a Place for Healing” – 1 and 2 hour options

For information on hosting or receiving ACEs training email Sherrard Crespo, LCSW.